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innevi Hosting Features
Our state-of-the-art web hosting services put you in control of your web space. Contact to sign up for one of our feature-rich web hosting packages.

24/7 Network Monitoring
Highly trained technicians continuously monitor our systems to avert problems before they occur and to ensure consistent bandwidth.

Active Server Pages (ASP)
Active Server Pages are dynamically created web pages that use ActiveX scripting to deliver HTML formatted content. ASP was designed and created by Microsoft to enable interaction between end users and web pages on NT-based web servers.

Ad Server
Place banner advertisements on your web site and have them "rotated" by an ad server. View comprehensive statistics on your banner ads such as the number of banner views and "click throughs". This information is stored in a MySQL database so you can provide ad statistics to advertisers on your site.

Announcer is an easy way for you to keep your customers or friends up-to-date with what is new and exciting on your website. With Announcer you can manage distribution lists of email addresses and send messages based on these lists.

A dedicated directory for the installation and use of CGI scripts. Otherwise known as a Common Gateway Interface, CGI allows users to interact with web pages by running a small program on the web server that can perform many functions.

Change Password
Change your WebsiteOS and FTP access password.

ColdFusion Support
ColdFusion integrates databases and web pages to deliver dynamically created HTML pages. Collect information from web site visitors, query a database and deliver the results in a HTML format.

Database Manager
Manage your MySQL database from within the WebsiteOS.

Disk Usage Meter
Measure the disk usage of a given website. Reports a listing of each directory and the amount of space used. It is formatted in plain text so it can be cut and pasted for printing.

EasyMail Administrator
Easily and instantly create, delete, forward and administer all of the email accounts for your domain.

E-Commerce Software - support for real time credit card processing
Our systems support a number of e-commerce solutions. Real time capabilities for online sales when combined with an online credit card processing service.

Form Mail
This is one of a number of CGI plug-in scripts provided with WebsiteOS. When inserted on a web page this simple programs provides an easy way for users to fill out and submit a form which is then emailed to specified addresses.

Free Shopping Cart
Purchase one of our web hosting packages and you are entitled to the Small Office Home Office (SOHO) edition of ecbuilder. This program can construct the web pages of an e-commerce site and includes a free shopping cart.

We provide an easy to use interface for installing and configuring Microsoft FrontPage 2000 server extensions. These extensions support the features of FrontPage 2000.

Guest Book
Another CGI plug-in script allows visitors to sign their name and leave comments. By simply visiting a URL for their site's guest book, the user can easily check for updated listings.

Hit Counter
The hit counter is comprised of two separate CGI plug-in scripts that count the number of "hits" or visits to a web page. Only one of these scripts is necessary. The difference between the scripts is that one is a text-based counter, while the other is a graphic based counter.

Log Management
Users have easy access to their log files that record activity on their site. View, download, archive and delete log files using WebsiteOS.

MS Access
Microsoft Access databases are a common choice among users for their database needs. Access databases require NT servers to support their delivery via the Internet and because of this, not all web hosting services support Access databases. Our blend of UNIX and NT systems offer full support for Access databases.

Multiple T3
We have three T3 connections from different providers. This assures that our network is always connected to the Internet Backbone.

Construct dynamic web pages using MySQL, a free and widely available open source database system.

An HTML embedded scripting language that allows web sites to create and deliver dynamic content. PHP can perform any task that a CGI program can. The real strength of PHP lies in the fact that it is compatible with many types of databases and performs well with networks using a variety of protocols including: IMAP, SNMP, NNTP,POP3 and HTTP.

Real Audio and Video is a popular Internet standard used for accessing audio and video content on demand. Instead of downloading a whole file first, users can view and/or listen to files as they are downloading. This is known as "streaming" content.

ht://Dig Search Engine
This CGI plug-in script allows the user to create a comprehensive index of their site content. Visitors to the site can search the content for key words and terms and will find all relevant information according to the search parameters.

Secure Server - SSL Manager
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enables for the transmission and reception of documents on the Internet using an encryption key to provide a secure connection. SSL is commonly used to obtain confidential user information such as credit card numbers and account information. The SSL manager enables the user to use a generic SSL certificate on their site or allows them to upload their own custom SSL certificate.

Web-Based Email
Our email services can be accessed from anywhere a web browser can be used. Users can simply go to our web page, log into their account and access their mailbox. This feature is in addition to POP3 and IMAP email access on all accounts.

Web Stats
Provides a comprehensive breakdown and analysis of website traffic. This software uses the raw log files generated by website traffic and interprets them into an HTML based page that presents the data in both graphic and text formats. The website traffic can be broken down in many ways including by country of origin.

Website Checker
The website checker is an easy-to-use tool that can quickly identify dead or broken links. It can be configured to only check links within a site or to check both internal and external links.

Website Promotion Wizard
Quickly and easily submit your site to major search engines.

Website Wizard
Simple construction of web pages using templates with pre-configured fonts, colours and layouts. End users with no experience can easily generate web pages in minutes.

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